
Friday, August 05, 2011

Gypsy Woman

I’ve got a bit of gypsy in me; my great grandparents emigrated from Hungary. I blame my Eastern European blood for my nomadic tendencies.

I lived in the same house for all of my remembered childhood, but longed to move. Every night, I would pray that our house would burn down so that we could start fresh elsewhere. New places and new beginnings have always appealed to me.

Once I left home for college, I changed residences, if not states, every few months. I kept up my nomadic pattern until I moved to Cincinnati. I’ve been here, in the same house, for almost seven years. My wanderlust is as strong as ever, but I’m able to satisfy it in small doses: with business trips and vacations. Eventually, though, I’ll move on. I just hope my cats are good travelers.

Are you a wanderer?

Dress, To The Max. Belt, H&M. Scarf, flea market. Shoes, Libby Edelman. Bag, Mossimo. Earrings, Aldo. Bracelets, Epcot Morocco and swap.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. I do have wanderlust, but my cats say "NO! NO!" so I mostly do vacations. Cats fear change. I love your look, you really work the head scarf beautifully.

  2. Being a military child I'm rather nomadic- except now that I'm in college I've really got to stay put to finish up properly. :)

    Those heels are amazing!

  3. Oh my goodness I love this outfit! Every detail is absolutely perfect =)

  4. Gorgeous outfit! I especially love the shoes.

    I'm also a wanderer. I have been in the same city now for 6 years, but at least I have moved 4 times. But, I think a new city will be in order in a few years.

  5. I am certainly a wanderer- though I did spend 10 years in Cincinnati as a child and teen. That's why I especially love your photos with Cincy landmarks! After Cincinnati it was TN, AZ, NC, and now NM! I'd say I get the itch to move on every 3 years. I guess it keeps thing interesting! I love the dress and the head scarf definitely gives it a gypsy vibe.

  6. I played Juan, the Crown Prince of Wanderlust in a high school play... But I had a solid decade of travel, and got that out of my system years ago. =]

    (it looks like you took a trip to the jungle during the photos for this:)

  7. I hope that you will accept a compliment from an old Brit. , gosh you are a beautiful young lady .

  8. Cincy has been my longest "home' as well! I too have a tough time staying in one place too long, but Rod is the opposite, so I suppose I'll keep up my gypsy lifestyle the same way, via car-trips!
    I love your hair this way and awesome bag!!!!!!!!
    If u remember, please e-mail me re: the Macy's "shop", as I will forget and love to support the workshop!
    Also, if you take up your roots, you must give us all ample warning ;)

  9. Great outfit.
    Loving the handbag.
    I would like to wonder, but don't the dinero to do it :)

  10. I would love to be more of a wanderer but it's not as easy as I thought. I love to travel, and visit new places though.

  11. If you move on, what about Beefy?

  12. Ooh, fantastic dress and love the shoes!

    I am not a wanderer at all. I live in the same city I was born in (and my mom and grandmother were born here), within a mile from the hospital I was born at! I have only moved 5 times in my entire life, and only 4 times as an adult! I've been in my current home for over 10 years.

  13. Debra- Thanks for thinking of me... I'm from Cincinnati, and have lived here all my life. I love it here, but I love Kasmira more, and so if her wanderlust proves too strong for good ol' Cincy to contain her, I just hope wherever the new place may be has a lively job market.

  14. Phew, I'm glad Beefy's coming along! I need his help to wrangle the cats! (And to be my big sweetie.)

  15. I am completely opposite. I like to stay put. I have lived in 3 different provinces. I have been here in Saint John, NB for almost 12 years now. About 2 1/2 years in bought a house and have been there ever since. The thought of moving to a new house causes all kinds of anxiety; hoping we don't for a very long time. :)

  16. I have the misfortune of moving a lot, but almost always in the same city. I've lived in two different towns in my whole life, but moved a total of 19 times and lived in the same house twice hah.

  17. TsunamiJane1:47 PM

    I like the idea of moving around but have not done much of it. Have you ever bought a house only to live in it for a few years?

  18. TsunamiJane - I'm in my first owned home. I've lived in it for almost 7 years. I think I'll rent in the future, though.

  19. Great outfit! Very gypsy goes Hollywood. To answer your question, I'm afraid I lack even the faintest hint of wanderlust, being a homebody hooked on routine. But I admire your moxie and wish you happy travels should the spirit move you!

  20. Anonymous4:19 AM

    So, "Üdvözlet magyarországról!!" (Greetings from Hungary!!) can you speek the language, too? Love your blog,very inspiring and different- sometimes, lurking here...:-))
    love, kate

  21. Kate - I don't know a word of Hungarian! Shameful, I know! Thanks for visiting!


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