
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Rap with Me

I’ve never been good with lyrics. I once mistook “simple as that” for “stapled his ass.” I have an even harder time discerning a song's words in a live situation. So, when I went to a rap performance on Saturday night, I had no idea what they were saying. But the Counterfeit Money Machine looked good.

Dress, Jovovich Hawk for Target. Shoes, Lela Rose for Payless. Belt, Brighton (thrifted). Necklace, Zad. Bag, Coldwater Creek.

I knew there was no way I’d fit in with a rap crowd, so I didn’t even try to dress appropriately. Surprisingly, there were a number of hipsters in the audience, so my fake glasses did offer a level of camouflage.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. Haha, my sister has the worst time with lyrics. And then she refuses to believe me when I tell her the real lyrics. Maybe she'll grow up to write songs? ;)

    I love that dress. Is it to short to twirl safely?

  2. It's so short that I wore shorts underneath!

  3. girl, i be LOVING that belt! and the whole ensemble. but especially the belt!

  4. I love that dress on you. The wide sleeves and frilly hem. Just adorable :)

  5. Gorgeous! I love the glasses, cute touch!

  6. I like the belt and wedges the most!

  7. Oh those hipsters, sneaking around everywhere haha... You look adorable, such a pretty dress! Flirty and fun, it looks great on you.

  8. Well at least you do theatre !
    I lack the "artistic" chip. Meaning I cannot sing, do any sort of choreography or play an instrument.
    I have tried all three.... so I KNOW!

  9. Anonymous6:22 PM

    I am wondering if those green shoes are comfortable? They are super cute!!

  10. They are pretty comfy. My only complaint is that the "peep" rubs on my right big toe. I'm hoping that will ease as the shoes break in.

  11. Anonymous8:19 PM

    They look really tall. I saw these on the Payless website and they are sitting in my cart. I am debating whether to purchase. Thanks!
    By the way, I love your blog. I view it at least once a week!

  12. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Such a fun outfit - I love the little detail of the sheer sleeves and ruffles of the polka dot dress. Those shoes are freaking adorable too!

  13. Love the way that circular necklace meshes with the polka dot dress!

  14. Anonymous3:04 PM

    So...what does a rap crowd look like?

  15. Pretty casual...mostly jeans, tees, and flannel shirts. A few hats (both fedoras and baseball caps) and sunglasses (indoors!)

  16. I love the dress and with the belt-great! I must be a hipster, too LOL!

    Another funny lyric oopsie by a VERY close to me guy who wishes to remain anonymous for some reason?

    There's a Stevie Ray Vaughn song called Cold Shot, and when we first got together (oops), he thought the lyric was "she likes to go shopping" when it was really, "so that's a cold shot,babe" LOL!

    OK, one more quickie:
    Steve Miller Band:
    "Jungle love, it's driving me mad, it's making me crazy"
    "Chug-a-lug, the strawberry man, he's making me crazy"..........

    i'll stop now........


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