
Friday, September 23, 2011

Safety Pink

It would have been dangerous for me to wear this outfit as I walked through the forest during hunting season. To prevent an accidental shooting, I added neon pink earrings.

Dress and bag, Mossimo. Shirt, Jones New York (thrifted). Obi belt, Sugadaminka. Shoes, Fioni. Tights, Hue. Earrings, Target (spraypainted by me). Bracelets, Forever 21, Garden of the Gods gift shop, and Hot Topic.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho

Truthfully, there’s no hunting allowed in Burnett Woods. And I didn’t go any further than the gazebo. But I loved the pop of pink offered by my newly spraypainted earrings.

Before and after


  1. Wow, obi-love today! The painted earrings are fantastic too.

  2. The earrings are much more bad-ass in pink :)

  3. The earrings are kickass :D


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