
Saturday, December 24, 2011

I Went to Church

No, I didn’t get religion. Beefy’s mom sings in a choir, so we attended mass on Christmas Eve.

Blazer, BSB Jeans (thrifted). Blouse, Charlotte Russe. Skirt, Ann Taylor (thrifted). Boots, Nine West. Purse and rings, vintage. Earrings, Julie’s Inspiration.

I was a little worried about what to wear to the church. It turns out that this was totally appropriate and even, maybe, a little over-dressed. There were folk in tshirts and jeans.

After church, we headed to Beefy's maternal grandmother's house for dinner and a gift exchange. I managed to drop something greasy on my suede skirt and score another box of Esther Price chocolates. A little baby powder fixed the former. For the latter, I prescribe plenty of swimming and running.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. Love the blazer - such a gorgeous print!

  2. These colors are just made for you.
    You look so beautiful!

    XO Arezu

  3. Church conservative without looking stodgy. Well done!

  4. I love that jacket! I'm such a sucker for paisley. Glad your church outfit worked out!

  5. You look great. And I too adore that blazer and the way your top complements the colors and print.

    And go Esther Price! Dad gave me a box as well. I'll have to ration those out to keep from eating them all at once.

  6. Hello! I just found your blog and I think it's AMAZING! The pics are great and I can see that You really like what you do here! I love people with great ideas, like you!
    Your blog is inspiring! I will follow you!
    Merry Christmas!

  7. I love this earthy look. I too made a guest appearance at church Christmas Eve, in a mess of red, black, and gold sequins that raised more than a few elderly eyebrows. I enjoyed your comment about baby powder saving your skirt and swimming and running remedying the after-effects of the chocolate. Very clever as always! I hope you had a good holiday :)

  8. Another great, unique outfit! I love it :)


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