
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Luck of the Thrifty

I have been very lucky at the thrift store. I found a second leopard-print, button-front shirt at the Benton Harbor Goodwill during our Michigan vacation. Score!

Dress, Banana Republic (thrifted). Shirt, Liz Sport (thrifted). Belt, thrifted. Tights, Forever 21. Bracelets, thrifted and swap. Boots, Nine West. Bag, Fossil (gift).

I also thrifted this Banana Republic dress, the feather belt, and the bird bracelet. Lucky, lucky, lucky!


  1. Very cute outfit! Awesome finds thifting! I especially liked the tights with this look!

    - Justine

  2. Sweet thrift finds. Some trips just wind up being extra good.

  3. I love all the different textures you mixed in this outfit! I'm especially digging those tights. Not only are they an awesome blue color, but also lace!? Too cool!

    I'm going thrifting today and tomorrow, I hope that some of your luck rubs off on me!

  4. Lucky indeed.... but who gets rids of something with animal print. I am scratching my head.

  5. Lorena - I always joke that the really good thrift store stuff comes from the "dead old ladies." I've since realized that this joke is a little inappropriate - how sad it must be for the grieving families to donate their loved one's worldy goods. But it's true...the best stuff was worn by a classy lady who chose quality and took good care of her things before passing on.

  6. Cute hosery, Kasmira!
    Happy holidays!

  7. Great contrast with the dress and yes, I found a lovely flannel plaid short today.

  8. Another person's donation is a thrifters paradise! I give up a little thanks every time I thrift to the person who donated the piece.

  9. Anonymous5:25 AM

    love the knee socks peeking out! are they cable-knit?

  10. Lucky to have that stuffs from people! Your leopard print bag is really amazing!

  11. Anon - I don't think they are cable knit. Just some cheapy knee socks for warmth!


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