
Friday, January 06, 2012

Toast and Jam

Random fact of the week: the song Bread and Butter is sung by three white men. Seriously. Check out the YouTube video.

Blazer, BSB Jeans (thrifted). Cami, Deep Los Angeles. Scarf, Gap (I think). Trouser jeans, Express. Pumps, Colin Stuart. Socks, Urban Outfitters. Earrings, vintage.

Now that song is stuck in your head, too.

Personally, I like toast with jam AND butter. But I don’t have a toaster.

…and that’s a wrap on some of the most off-topic text to accompany my outfit photos. I guess I’m hungry. And this blazer makes me think of toast with strawberry jam.


  1. Anonymous3:03 AM

    I like very much your outfit!. Specially the blazer, the scarf, the cami and the pumps.

    And I like very much your side hair bun!. It's very pretty and elegant!.

  2. Now I can't decide what I want more - lime green shoes or toast with jam! :D

  3. Your socks are adorable. Also psh, who needs a toaster. They're such uni-taskers. Toaster ovens are amazing.

  4. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Those shoes are AWESOME!!! My fav color!

    Now I can't get that stupis song outta my head!

  5. I really like your blazer.

  6. I thought perhaps the comment on the song was a pun on three wise men given it's Twelfth Night (6th Jan) until I did as you suggested and checked out the video. Jaw-dropping stuff - as is this blazer and shirt/shoes combination.

  7. Oh wow, I REALLY love your eyeshadow! Such pretty colours. I like using neon green on my brow a lot (even when wearing my neon green maxi dress, ahem), but I've never seen anyone else do it till now.

    I haven't got a toaster either, but I do have a toaster oven. I'd marry that thing if I could, but I'm already hitched with my coffee machine. I used to make toast in the large oven in college, until one day fire happened haha, it was small and harmless but... no more!

  8. Celynne - the base green of the eyeshadow is the new CoverGirl shadow blast. I love how intense the color is - and it truly lasts all day. I only prime my crease, where I apply another brand of plain powder (in dark green). The shadow blast has built-in primer.

  9. I very much like this color combination on you. The green shoes add the right spice to the whole look


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