
Friday, February 10, 2012

Weather Fail

I usually have the weather forecast for the next 5 days memorized. Because I ride the bus, I need to be prepared for extreme temps and precipitation. Lately, though, I’ve barely been able to get out the door on time, let alone check the weather report. This morning, I rushed out of the house without a coat (just threw a puffy vest on top of my outfit) and was pretty surprised when it started snowing during my lunchtime run.

Blazer, The Limited. Shirt, Christopher & Banks (thrifted). Skirt, Chaus Sport (thrifted). Tights, We Love Colors. Boots, Nine West. Earrings, gift (from Londyn)

After work, I had a miserable walk from the bus stop to my voice lesson. I didn’t feel warm again until we got home and I changed into my snuggly pants. I've got to start paying attention to the forecast, again!


  1. I just love jackets like this. They are so versatile and can be worn so many ways with all the different colors in them. Great outfit.

  2. Cindy9:25 PM

    The colors in the tweed and plaid really go well together! Pretty!

  3. Anonymous1:27 AM

    My favorite combo so far that I have seen since I started reading your blog in January. Very beautiful and flattering!

  4. Anonymous12:19 PM

    The whole outfit is fab but the skirt!!!! It is amazing!!!


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