
Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Blown Away

Note to me and Beefy: do not shoot subject in direct sun with 35mm prime lens, aperture all the way open, and ISO set at 800. The shutter just can’t click fast enough!

Well, at least don’t do so if we want anything white to show up. Those settings did make for some kind of awesome, if blown out, photos.

Shirt (it’s white, so it’s hard to see!), J Crew. Dress, Merona. Obi belt, Sugadaminka. Shoes, Gianni Bini. Bag, Fossil (gift). Earrings, World Market. Sunglasses, Walgreen’s.

Dialing the ISO down to 400 gave us a little more detail:

Photos by Beefy Muchacho with the Nikon DX AF-S Nikkor 35 mm 1:1.8G lens


  1. I love the matching colour of the obi with this - so pretty. You look lovely in ruffles!

  2. Kasmira I adore this pink dress and your bag... it's funny how sometimes things go wrong on the camera, I often up end quite liking the results when I do the same!!

    Thanks so much for the NY Times gingham suggestion, I read your comment that you've seen it (I was going to let you know but you beat me to it)!

    Catherine x

  3. That obi is perfect with that dress. The color and all the ruffles are just gorgeous!

  4. You have the teeniest waist, and I really covet your obi belt.

    The pictures are beautiful, but in my RSS feed reader, with my old eyes, I just saw a floating purple dress for a moment! It did startle me :D

  5. Gorgeous dress! Over exposed or not.:)

  6. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Gorgeous outfit!! I think the overexposing was a neat effect to pop the magenta of the dress!!

  7. Awesome backdrop! The whole photo reminds me of something out of a catalogue.


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