
Monday, April 09, 2012

A Little Dye Will Do Ya

Never underestimate the transformative powers of dye. This jacket is on its third color (after originally being ecru, then khaki). Not only does the dye obscure the mustard stain on the front, but it allows me to revisit old combinations for a fresh look.

Jacket, Charlotte Russe (overdyed). Dress, Jovovich Hawk for Target. Scarf, Calypso St Barth for Target. Shoes, Fioni. Shoe clip (on the scarf), thrifted. Bag, Colini Handbags (thrifted). Earrings, Made in Oregon store (and supposedly made of ash or volcanic glass from Mt St Helens).

For reference, here are “before and after” pics of this same jacket and dress combo, but 34 months and one dye job different:

The high temp is also a bit different, by 23 degrees.


  1. I love the way you have worn the scarf.

  2. Sandy1:23 PM

    Do you have diy tips the dye part; looks great btw.

  3. Sandy - I use RIT dye in the washing machine:

  4. Gorgeous dress and scarf!


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