
Saturday, April 07, 2012

Total Immersion

Today I dressed for a new-to-me occasion: timing a swim meet. This outfit seemed like it would fit the bill: light layers for the humid pool area, stretch for bending, reaching, squatting, and non-slip shoes. Except that, shortly after taking these photos, I locked myself out of the house and missed the meet.

Dress, Branna Studio San Francisco (thrifted). Leggings, We Love Colors. Belt, thrifted. Shoes, Champion (thrifted). Earrings, vintage. Watch, Vivani (gift). Bag, Allstate Leather (gift). Woven tote, Walgreen’s.

I was locked outside for about 6 hours with no keys, no phone, no money, no identification. Then Beefy let me in. I can say, with absolute confidence, that my house is as secure as a vault. And that I feel terrible about missing the meet.


  1. Oops that was a sucky day.

    Love your earrings!
    Nice leggings and belt.

    XO Arezu

  2. Wow what a bummer! You must have been so frustrated, but the upside was you looked good anyways. Get yourself one of those fake rocks to put in your garden with the secret key slot.

  3. LOL!
    I did that 3 times when we first moved in our house! Luckily my neighbor knew how to jimmie a lock with a credit card! Hmm.......
    Maybe that's not a great neighbor quality.........

  4. Love this outfit and love your blog. So happy I found it. Any idea where I can find a black dress just like yours? I've been looking and no luck.

  5. monica - I found this one at the thrift store, but they say sheer garments are hot for spring. Maybe check H&M or Forever 21? They tend to carry the trends.

  6. Love the wild neon in this outfit! And that's a real bummer about being locked out, especially on the day of your swim meet. I used to lock myself out of my house all the time in high school.


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