
Monday, June 11, 2012

I Heart Cats

I love cats (especially my cats), but they make me a little crazy when they all want to be in my outfit photos. It took me a few tries to get a good, cat-free image.

Sweater, Moda International. Skirt, Banana Republic. Shoes, BCBGeneration. Necklace, Serket Jewelry. Bag, Fossil (gift).

You’ll see cats in four of seven photos, below.

Although only three at a time appear in any of the above photos, we have four kitties:

Top to bottom: Sammy, Roy, Zoro, and Walter


  1. Anonymous9:28 AM

    They are all gorgeous! Though as a cat owner, I'm amazed at that last shot where you've managed to snap them all together in such a photogenic (and calm!) moment.

  2. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Those cats. Such camera hogs!

  3. Cats can be such hams, can't they? Vizzini isn't so much into the picture time as Inigo was, though - sad.

    I love that shot of all four of your furry fam.

  4. OMG THE KITTENS ARE SO BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So cute. You and the kitties. ;)

  5. Great shot of the four of them! Are Roy and Walter brothers?

  6. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Cute kitty photo! I think ours would have to be drugged to be photographed together.

    I really enjoy the pop of turqouise in your outfit too - especially the shoes!


  7. Erin - Roy and Walt are is the first time they appeared on the blog (at 6 weeks old!:

  8. Yay for the gratuitous kitty shots! You are looking very smart, if a little subdued, the turquoise saves it!

  9. A cat tree or a mini cat-highrise? What posers! They all look into the camera like pros for audition. Who is the fairest of them all? Each and one of them is the fairest of them all. And they know that.

  10. I love your hair like this! A very cute outfit with kicky heels!

    Sweet kitties. Mine hate cameras, except for the adult ginger tabby. The babies are pretty used to the camera since I've been sticking one in their face since they were born. They usually get that "not again" face going on.

    I got ONE photo of all five of my cats together once. They were all asleep on the bed. Never happened again.

  11. Amanda11:17 PM

    CATS!!!!!!! You have such beautiful cats! <3

  12. cats only ever improve outfit photos! awesome quartet!

  13. Heather1:10 AM

    Love how the turquoise "bookends" your ensemble!

  14. Your hair looks so cute! Makes me want long hair again :)

  15. Adore this outfit! ...and your kitties. ;)

  16. How did you get all four on the cat condo at the same time? Awesome.

    Love your outfit with the more conservative pieces sparked by the touches of turquoise.

  17. Lynne, I got lucky. I had just finished taking my own photos with the camera on the tripod and spotted all four cats on the tree. As quickly and quietly as possible, I moved the tripod in, adjusted the settings, and started snapping! It's common to see three at a time on the tree. Four is rare.

  18. Sarah7:46 PM

    Leave the kitties in the outfit photos, I adore seeing them! :) Sammy is gorgeous, I'm kind of in love with that little white spot on his chest.
    As for the outfit, I love that skirt, very classy and fabulous!


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