
Saturday, September 08, 2012

Get 'er Done

I had a super productive day. I saw two homes I could stand to live in. I shopped at Goodwill. I experienced Second Saturday in Midtown. I found vegan food. I supported the Sacramento Ballet. I handed out two blog cards. And I had some incredible cocktails at Thir13en. Tomorrow, I hit the Sierra Nevadas.

Shirt, NY & Co. Dress, Giorgio Fiorlani (thrifted). Sandals, Seychelles (thrifted). Earrings ,Target. Bag, Nicole Lee. Bracelets, The Bead Factory and vintage. Rings, gift and vintage. Apple, from my hotel.

So, what’s with the apple? I dunno. It made a good prop.


  1. that does sound like a perfect day, and i am especially fond of this outfit. i like the bit of monochrome going on.
    Chic on the Cheap

  2. Whoa, I was at Goodwill and ate lunch near the Sacramento Ballet on Saturday! Did you go to the Goodwill on 16th and L? I LOVE that place, it's organized by size!

    Welcome to Sacramento! I hope you like it here! :)

  3. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Have you discovered Andy Nguyen's yet? It's vegan Vietnamese food and is absolutely amazing.

    1. I will definitely be looking for that!


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