
Thursday, October 04, 2012


I don’t close on my house until Oct 22, so I’m living in hotels for the beginning of the month. I chose my current hotel based on the price and a quick drive-by in the daytime. After a week, I’m outta here. It’s pretty seedy!

Shirt, Nollie (thrifted). Skirt, American Eagle (overdyed). Sandals, Seychelles (thrifted). Scarf, Calypso St Barth for Target. Cuff, vintage. Rings, Black Hills Gold, Puzzrollrings, and thrifted. Sunglasses, Girl Props.

I knew after one night that I wasn’t going to stay here for the entire three weeks. In the first 24 hours, I observed that:

- I had to sign a waiver that I wouldn’t hold the hotel liable for things stolen from my room. This has resulted in me schlepping every piece of electronics and jewelry whenever I leave.
- The room had no iron or ironing board. (I have since discovered that these items can be borrowed. But they need to be returned quickly, since the ENTIRE HOTEL shares these items.)
- The room also had no “Do Not Disturb” sign. (Thankfully, I could obtain one at the front desk. And I don’t have to share it.)
- The word “free” was scratched out in front of “wifi” on the Property Directory. Apparently, it was free at one time. Now, it is not.
- The stuffing is coming out of one pillow.
- The outside of the building is not lit up at night.
- Every morning, I see young men drinking in the parking lot. I’m unclear as to whether they are drinking from the night before, have just gotten started or never stop drinking.
- Other guests loiter in the walkways and on the stairs: smoking, applying makeup, asking to use my phone, or staring as I take my pictures.

I’m off to LA next week. When I return, I’m upgrading!

The hotel isn’t all bad. The room has a fridge. There is a gas station close by with a nice selection of food and drink. And it’s only a short jog to a university. But I’m still moving on.


  1. Ugh, I hate when people stare when I'm taking pictures. It's a camera folks, nothing to see here.

    You look adorbs, as usual. We miss you in the Nati!

  2. OH hotel stories...
    i am sure you can probably write a book about them, and I do think you need to upgrade.
    About 2 years ago the company i work for was hosting a meeting in a pricey Intercontinental Hotel .
    When one of the guests arrived and checked in, the bellboy carried her bag to the room.
    As the bellboy and our guest opened the door, they walked into a couple having sex.... apparently the made a mistake on assigning the room!

  3. That sounds scary. Good to hear you're leaving soon.

    Lorena's comment was funny. I used to work in a hotel as a concierge and had my fair share of "weird" moments.


  4. oy!

    I don't understand the whole "can I use your phone" thing., you're a stranger. You may not use my phone.


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