
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Kindness of Strangers

It was quite possible that I might have had a sad cat lady Thanksgiving: alone, cooking a turkey (or just a chicken) for my five kitties, while guzzling an entire bottle of wine. Instead, friends of my manager (and complete strangers to me), invited me to their family gathering. So I wasn’t alone, but I did drink (but not to excess) and my hostess sent me home with a turkey wing for the cats.

Jacket, H&M (thrifted). Dress, Muse (gift from a reader). Tights, unnamed brand from Madame Butterfly. Boots, Miz Mooz. Sunglasses, Girl Props. Earrings, Claire’s. Scarf, gift from Londyn. Bag, Fossil (gift).


  1. You look gorgeous as usual- love the dotty legs and green eggs and ham boots. Glad you had a good Tday!

  2. I clicked on the comments to say I love the dotted tights and can't get enough of your Green boots....but Bella Q beat me to it!!!

  3. fuzzyg8:19 PM

    I'm glad that you had a good turkeyday,you deserve it ,you bring much inspiration to me ,thanx :-)

  4. Yummy mummy7:23 AM

    Your blog makes me happy! Love to check out your original outfits, pattern mixing etc. While my own style is quieter, it's inspiring to see some-one who is fearless in experimenting with their clothing. It's more real to see you remixing and enjoying your green Victorian Miz Moo boots, than some other blogs, where you see all the merchandise they are getting for free so they can give it a plug (although some of those blogs are still worth a look from time to time.)
    I like the quality of your photography, that always draws me back to a blog...

  5. In the last photo, your boots look absolutely stunning. You should send this to Miz Mooz (and request payment) for them to use it as a product photo!

    1. Ha, I would, but it is the far boot that is in focus, not the closer boot with the view of the buttons. Damn short depth of field.

  6. I meant to say I love your new hair do, very elegant. Glad you had a good thanksgiving. Are you vegan still? Did you get anything to eat? I get creative at Christmas and enjoy myself thinking of yummy recipes - after nearly 13 years I try to keep being creative.

    I am more of a fan of these tights than your controversial leggings!

    1. I definitely consumed some animal products but I tried to choose vegan-looking options. And booze is calories in!

  7. Gorgeous polka dot tights... and yes, kindness shows up when least expected ;)


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