
Friday, November 02, 2012

The Big Day

Today was a big day. Not only was it my birthday, but I moved from the Residence Inn to the new house and Beefy and the cats arrived! (Beefy for a visit, the cats to stay.)

Jacket, H&M. Shirt (actually a tunic), Wet Seal. Skirt, London Jean. Leggings, Allen B. Boots, Madden Girl. Bag, thrifted. Earrings, No Boundaries. Sunglasses, Target. Rings, Black Hills Gold and Puzzrollrings.

In other big news, I swapped the green blogoversary jacket out of my capsule for these shorty boots. The jacket has a terminal mustard stain and these boots are way cuter anyway.


  1. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Delurking to say "Terminal Mustard Stain" is the new name of my band.

    (I don't have a band.)

  2. Happy Birthday! Happy new house! Happy Beefy! Happy Cats!

  3. Happy birthday! Congrats on the move, and yay for having your cats back!

  4. Happy birthday, Kasmira! I bet the kitties (and Beefy) were happy to see you!

  5. Happy Belated Birthday from one November baby to another. What a great gift to have Beefy and the kitties with you to celebrate.

    Thanks for all the shots of your new hair cut. You look great. I think your stylist was brilliant to suggest this cute bob.

  6. Congrats with your birthday en new residence!
    Love your new hairdo.

    XO arezu

  7. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Happy belated birthday! Can't wait to see cameos of the kitties in your photos again. Hope you had a great Birthday Weekend! :)

  8. Oh kitties in da house !
    Happy birthday.


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