
Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Didn't Read the Book

I will NOT title this post with a reference to or pun on Fifty Shades of Grey. I haven’t even read the book and I’m sick of hearing about it.

Blazer, White House Black Market (thrifted). Dress, Bar III. Tights, Forever 21. Shoes, Madden Girl. Earrings, vintage. Scarf, Marshall’s. Belt, Gap. Clutch, Express.

Don’t think I was too snobbish or prudish to read Fifty Shades of Grey. I was just busy reading other trash. At this point, I won’t read it simply because it’s been so overhyped. And here I am, giving it more press. Ack.

Someone just needs to give me this book as a gift so I can stop being so high and mighty about not reading it.


  1. Don't read it! It's full of abuse and harmful stereotypes.

  2. I love those lace tights and the booties. Really love them

    I am not the only woman in America who has read and raved about the "Shades". I'm with you; haven't read it, don't care.

  3. Katherine's right. It really is one big story about domestic and relationship abuse. Casts a REALLY bad light on the BDSM community.

  4. Your shades of gray are fabulous! I have trouble making gray look something other than dull. . . the orange paired with it is something I can copy. Thanks!

  5. Haha...I LOVE your title and the reason behind it. :o) I'm in the same camp...although I've heard other readers say the same thing as Katharine, so I don't think I'm missing out.

    As for your outfit...I think orange and grey were made for each other! And using multiple tones of each is fantastic! (I'm counting your hair as one of the shades by the way)

  6. I've heard the same things as your other readers - and that it's poorly written, to boot!

    I really like all the tones in this outfit - the orange is great with it. Your hair is looking awesome!

  7. Jillian12:18 PM

    I might be the minority here but I thought the books were great. Full of dirty, kinky stuff! I think we all secretly like that, don't we?
    As always, you and your outfits are adorable, LOVE IT!!

  8. Borrow the e-books for free from you local library and read on your Kindle. That's what I did. They are trash and I struggled to get through them but quoting some of the constantly repeated phrases the author uses is fun to do with friends. Maybe even make into a drinking game.

    Looking up at you through my lashes while my mouth is set in a hard line and wearing jeans that hang on me in "that way" and cupping my sex,

  9. I can guarantee that you'll be getting other things from me.

  10. Anonymous2:13 PM

    love this - I wear orange and grey a lot, but I really like the
    cut/ fit of the jacket and dress on you.

  11. Wow, this is my favorite outfit of yours, ever. I love the colours, the tights and the booties. The coral and orange are great with your hair and fab with the grey.

    The book is really badly written, I really struggled to finish the last one but I wanted to read them to see what the fuss was about.

  12. Anonymous12:09 AM

    I love everything about this outfit!! Those booties and the tights are adorable... and I am a big fan of fun scarves. Very classy outfit. sp :)

  13. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I agree! Too much hype on 50 Shades. No thank you. I will stick to my chick-lit erotica.
    Great Outfit!!! Love the skirt!

  14. Favorite outfit of the winter so far! That jacket is simply perfect on you, nice find :)

  15. When I was recovering from knee replacement surgery I read the first book. I was mostly curious about all the hype. It was trash and full of abuse and personality disorder stuff. I cant say I would recommend it to a friend. Maybe to someone I don't like then again maybe not.
    I do like this jacket and think you can wear it very well and with lots of different skirts and dresses.


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