
Monday, February 25, 2013

Fuzzy Headed

Anonymous asked me if I was “drank” (sp) when I bought this top. I wasn’t, but I felt a little blurry around the edges (although absolutely sober!), today. I think it’s just a case of the Mondays.

Jacket, Forever 21. Top, Love On a Hanger. Dress, Bitten (shortened). Tights, We Love Colors. Boots, Rampage. Sunglasses, Girl Props. Necklace, Heart Clothing Boutique. Bracelets, thrifted, gift, and Tala’s Distant Treasures. Bag, Vieta.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho.


  1. "Drank" hmmm...possibly Anonymous had a lil something before typing that comment. :o)

    I really like the way the plaid peeks through the lace top. The feminine shape of your outfit (plus the lace) contrast nicely with the punk plaid, bracelets, boots, etc.

  2. SouthernGirl1:26 PM

    I love the jacket although yellow is not my favorite color...I have seen it's versatility of late though. One thing off the subject...when are you bringing back Sporty Sunday? I stop by here daily but I could have missed the anwer somehow, so sorry if you've already posted about it.

  3. Savvy SHopper2:38 PM

    I quite like this top and have been looking for one of my own.

  4. SouthernGirl - soon! I'm afraid that working out, and writing about it, was a casualty of the move and new job. I'm back on the wagon, though!

  5. SouthernGirl1:11 PM

    That's great news..can't wait!

  6. I am really enjoying the lace over patterns that you've been styling lately. This one might be my favorite!


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