
Monday, February 18, 2013


We’ve moved from general birding to owling. We have no idea how it’s done, so we tried to attract the owls with hooting and mouse squeaks. (It seemed more productive than merely wandering in the dark woods, staring into trees.) Maybe that worked because we think we saw an owl flying away from us, twice.

Poncho, Christopher and Banks. Cardigan, I Heart Ronson. Shirt, Worthington (thrifted). Skirt, American Apparel (thrifted). Tights, B. Ella. Shoes, Style & Co (thrifted). Earrings, Epcot Mexico. Bag, thrifted. Gloves, Bebe.

Or, instead of attracting owls, we were driving them away.


  1. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Who can wear practically every color of the rainbow in one outfit and still look FAB??? Kasmira can!!
    sp :)

  2. Anonymous9:44 PM

    I am in love with those tights! Coloured tights is def something I am looking forward to this Winter!

  3. Anonymous10:54 PM

    How did you do it? I would never think such a combination would look so gorgeous.

  4. In Westwood, we had two owls in our backyard! I think perhaps Great Horned, because it was enormous. I came outside, heard them call, then one flew over the house towards the town hall.

  5. Anons - I just kept adding layers to stay warm. I like to balance the volume of a poncho with a short skirt. The colors all work together because they are sort of muddy.

  6. depending on where you are, it can be OK or not OK to call birds- sometimes they get disturbed.. you might want to read up or have a chat with your local Audubon group. Owls usually nest pretty early- like over the winter- so they could have offspring about now and not be too vocal. We usually hear owls in late fall when they start nesting and are setting up territories. Have seen owlets branching in the spring and once, walking the dog at night, came upon an owl killing a rabbit ...not too nice, but everybody's got to eat.


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