
Thursday, February 21, 2013

True Dreams

I once read that dreams are mental practice for situations we will face in the days ahead. After last night, I’m well prepared for the mundane (taking the garbage out) and the fantastic (zombie apocalypse). I guess that’s what happens when you watch Walking Dead the evening before trash day.

Blazer, BSB Jeans (thrifted). Dress, Mossimo. Tights, We Love Colors. Boots, Madeline. Necklace, Stella & Dot. Brooch, swap. Rings, Black Hills Gold and Puzzrollrings. Bag, Caprice (thrifted and vintage).

Photos by Beefy Muchacho.


  1. I love the water color print of your dress - and I never have exciting dreams, only the mundane kind, or the anxiety kind.
    Chic on the Cheap

  2. I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! I am not allowed to buy any clothes, with 200 pairs of jeans and 30 k in debt,your blog is one of my lifelines to inspiration.I blog too,this is helping me pare down to what I really love.Many thanks, Francesca.

  3. Your necklace, boots, and purse have Wowed me! :o)

  4. this outfit is seriously weird but it does sort of match the lanscape with the boots/tights graying into the soil...


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