
Tuesday, April 09, 2013


The big weather news for the past two days has been: WIND! Yesterday’s outfit was pretty wind resistant. (Can you even tell I was blowing away?) Today, I dealt with swirling skirts and permanently mussed hair.

Jacket, London Jean. Dress, swap. Shoes, Wet Seal. Sunglasses, Girlprops. Earrings, Julie’s Inspiration. Belt, thrifted. Bag, Vieta.


  1. So pretty! The green jacket really suits you :)

  2. This color combo is perfect! The darks balance out the lighter cooler green so nicely!

  3. I love when it gets warm enough to wear skirts and dresses with bare legs, but I swear every time I decide to wear one it's super windy! How do you keep from having a Marilyn Monroe moment?

  4. I wear slips and pettipants. On this particular day (it started COLD), I wore this dress underneath the floral one:

  5. Hurrah for this outfit!! That little jacket is really flattering (color, cut, cuteness). You are so Jedi.

  6. Anonymous10:49 AM

    The greens look really nice with this dress!

    I'm glad to hear someone else still wears slips too. I have a hard time finding good lengths and widths - some are just too straight all the way down. I've even made a few of my own out of desperation.


  7. I buy all my slips at the thrift store. Cheap and lots of options!

  8. I love the green! So springy!


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