
Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Grainy LA

Brace yourself for some spectacularly bad photos.

My first day at our Hollywood meeting, I had a 45 minute break to get up to my room on the 20th floor, take photos, change, take photos, and get back to the lower level. I was feeling pretty confident about the timeline until I had to wait 15 minutes for an elevator and then another 15 for security to let me into my room (because my key card had demagnetized). So, this is what you get in the remaining fifteen minutes:

Jacket, Esley. Dress, Suzi Chin for Maggy Boutique. Shoes, BCBGeneration. Bag, Melie Bianco. Earrings, My Sister’s Closet.

Then, I changed for Universal Studios and took a few more photos.

Shirt, One Star (thrifted). Dress, Roundy Bay (thrifted). Sneakers, New Balance.

Hardly even worth posting any of this, except that I got a good close up of my new sneaks:

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