
Friday, June 28, 2013


I changed up my hair color by going darker and cooler. I’m still adjusting to the change and I’m not sure yet if I like it.

Dress, Bar III. Scarf, TJ Maxx. Shoes, Nine West. Earrings, Target. Bracelets, Charming Charlie and Tala’s Distant Treasures. Bag, Walgreen’s.


  1. Your hair color looks great with your outfit today for sure! I know I've tried hair colors that reduced my wardrobe options by less than half, so hopefully you can wear all your "normal" clothes with the new color(s)!

  2. Your new hair colour certainly matches your accessories - looks great!

  3. It suits you.

    I changed mine a month ago. I only went two tints lighter on my usual colour and yet the difference was huge. I like it, but it took a week or two to get used to it ;)

  4. Love your hair color! You live right by me :)

    xo Ashley

  5. I do this colour quite often, off and on. I like it in the winter, when I gravitate to darker colours and like the contrast with my pale skin. I have found one has to wear more make-up with darker hair.

    I really like it on you, but watch out for fading in the sun!

  6. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I really like it! All change takes time to get used to, even a good change!
    sp :)

  7. For what it's worth - I love it !


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