
Saturday, August 10, 2013


Today, I was touched by fame . . . Beefy and I got to meet the star of 42nd Street at the Modesto Performing Arts Center! (Unfortunately, we didn’t think to get a photo.) Katie is an old acquaintance of Beefy’s and a genuinely nice person. Don’t you love it when talented folks end up being nice, too?

Dress, Jovovich Hawk for Target. Shoes, Steven by Steve Madden. Necklace, Heart Boutique. Belt and sunglasses, Target. Bag, Walgreen’s.

On the other hand, I’m mean and nasty in real life. I guess that’s because I can’t tap like Katie.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. I find it very hard to believe that you are mean and nasty, I'm sure that was said in jest. Looking forward to your running with puppy tips - as mine nearly tripped me numerous times last night!

  2. Ruth Slavid5:32 AM

    I thought from the first photo that you were wearing some really weird bright green shoes. Isnpt it odd how the shadow of your bag makes only that part of the grass visible? Unless of course you really have long-toed astroturf shoes ....

  3. Anonymous1:43 AM

    You are my wardrobe idol! You are so beautiful and vibrant! Thanks for this fun, fun outfit!

    Bea Tibbles

    (I thought you had green shoes too!)

  4. I love that first photo because it looks like you're wearing grass shoes. And I was reading, and you weren't talking about your crazy grass shoes, and I was entertained, waiting for the big reveal. :)


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