
Monday, August 19, 2013

Cotton Candy Cool

It seems that summer is over in some parts of the country, but it’s still raging in Sacramento! Temps hit 100 or more, today. I stayed cool in cotton and cheerful in candy colors.

Shirt, Express (thrifted). Skirt, American Eagle (overdyed) Shoes, Aerosoles. Sunglasses, Target. Earrings, Jack E Ohs NYC. Bag, Walgreen’s.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. Now that you've settled in, have you discovered the "must shop" stores for thrifting? The thrift/consignment stores you love the best in your area? And are they same/totes different from the stores in Cincinnati?
    Enquiring minds want to know! :)

  2. Those shoes are adorable! You look so cool in that 100 degree heat. : )

  3. Great outfit. Love the combination of colors.

    (Just because I have no fashion sense myself doesn't mean I don't recognize it in others!)


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