
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Davis Mural Team

Beefy and I were in Davis on Saturday, so we’ve featured a mural from Sacramento’s neighbor.

A Tribute to Pieter Bruegel the Elder is painted in the style of Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel the Elder, but the faces are those of the Davis Mural Team. It was painted on the wall of Original Steve’s* (314 F Street) by John Natsoulas and members of the team. If you’re interested in other Davis murals (and public sculptures), the Davis Transmedia Art Walk map lists fifty-four works on a walking tour.

Beefy and I didn’t do the walk. Instead, we made a beeline to Burger and Brew and its garlic fries. (But we did see a few more art pieces along the way.)

Shirt, Express (thrifted). Shorts, Arizona (thrifted). Sandals, Aerosoles. Sunglasses, Sol. Earrings and bag, Target.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho

*Given that Original Steve’s is a pizza joint, I think the figures in the mural are carrying pizza pies.

1 comment:

  1. I love Davis, and your cute top! After moving to California from the midwest, does Davis remind you of home? When I would visit, the well kept yards and grid-like streets, as well as the flatness of the Central Valley, always made me think of the midwest. Minus the minus degree weather! LOL! Loving the mural shots!


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