
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Now You Don't

This outfit was perfect camouflage for my photo location (near the train tracks crossing the Yolo Bypass). Am I hard to spot?

I’ll be even harder to find over the next few days. I will be without computer access, but I will be wearing and photographing a fabulous travel capsule to share with you upon my return.

Jacket, Heart Moon Stars. Dress, Talbot’s (thrift). Boots, Sofft (consignment). Sunglasses, Target. Earrings, gift. Bracelets, vintage and gift. Bag, Canvas Boutique.

Quite unintentionally, my travel capsule palette is the same as today’s outfit: black and white and brown, accented with tomato red. But, it’s far from boring. I’ll mix it up with layering and pattern mixing.


  1. wooo! i love that outfit! you look rather wild and carefree in it! very cool!

  2. Oh yay, I love when you do capsule wardrobes!

    This might be my favorite styling of this dress!


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