
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

After Dinner

I think the mint party is over . . but here I am! I’ve arrived!

Sweater, Banana Republic (thrifted and gifted). Shirt, INC (cut from a swapped dress). Skirt, J Crew (consignment). Tights, gift. Boots, Nine West. Sunglasses, Target. Necklace, Zad. Bag, Imoshion

Pale green was having a moment in spring of 2012. I usually seem to be two years early or late on trends.

I also just joined the fashion tape party, but as you can see, it didn’t hold up well, today. Of course, I don’t have “real” fashion tape. I use whatever I find in the craft drawer. So far, double-sided mounting tape works better than plain double-sided tape. I still have time to experiment because I don’t think fixing wardrobe malfunctions ever goes out of style.


  1. Gorgeous outfit! I'm not always a fan of mint green but I love the way you've styled it here, and the look of the whole outfit in general.

  2. i don't think the mint party is over! i think it is JUST getting started! you look awesome! love that outfit!

  3. who cares about trends? You look awesome

  4. I was actually more excited about the turquoise shade in the skirt's tweed than the mint. Together, I think they're dynamite.

  5. Anonymous12:51 PM

    The pun in your title is so precious, I can't handle it!


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