
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Rio Americano Band

I was never a band geek, but if I could have been, I’d have played a horn. And I would have liked to have played it at a school that announces its love of music from the moment one pulls into the parking lot. The colorful Rio Americano [High School] Band mural celebrates the three genres of the students' music: Classical, Pop (or Modern), and Jazz. Since I can’t be in the band, I, instead, enjoyed posing in front of this colorful mural.

Shirt, Levi’s (thrifted). Pants, Da-Nang (consignment). Boots, Lauren Ralph Lauren. Sunglasses, Target. Scarf, Canvas Boutique. Necklace, Zad. Purse, Nine West.


  1. Susiebelle12:40 PM

    Yet another day where you hit it out of the park! Always fun, fresh, visually interesting and affordable.

  2. What interesting details on your pants!

  3. Gimme your purse and no one gets hurt. It's wonderful!

    1. My friend found this same bag at a thrift store, so keep an eye out!


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