
Thursday, February 06, 2014

Rain Shorts

Jasper and I have been running every weekday morning since last May. Today was the first time the weather kept us from our run. Instead, I bundled up, pulled on this raincoat, and threw his dogobie (aerobie makes a great dog disc!) in a rainy, dark field for an hour.

I wore the raincoat again for my workday, pairing it with shorts to impersonate a flasher keep my clothing as dry as possible.

Jacket, REI. Sweater, Outback Red. Shorts, San Souci. Tights, We Love Colors. Boots, Style & Co (thrifted). Scarf, consignment. Necklace, thrifted. Bag, thrifted.


  1. Fabulous flasher... oh, I mean rain coat!! :)

  2. Hehe, "Impersonate a flasher", I'm gonna giggle over that for a while. :o) Flashers everywhere wish they looked as stylish as you, maybe there'll be a movement of flashers with colorful scarves!


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