
Monday, April 28, 2014

I'm So Over You

Fashion experts have been proclaiming the death of the neon trend for a few seasons, now. This time, I believe it.

Shirt, Forever 21. Dress, Jovovich Hawk for Target. Shoes, Prabal Gurung for Target. Sunglasses, Girlprops. Earrings, Cuffs. Belt, Target. Bag, SheBoBo.

Neon was among the trends Alison suggests retiring for 2014. Also on the “out” list: bubble necklaces, chevron stripes, sock buns and topknots and barbie hair, peplum, and arm parties. I’ve dabbled in them all but the bubble necklace. I’m not ready to give up the neon, but I am so glad to see that Ali predicts “barbie hair” is on its way out. I prefer a cut that highlights a woman’s hair density and texture over the phony look of extensions and a curling wand any day. What trends are you happy to see go?


  1. I love the sock bun, but I'm planning on chopping my hair off this Summer. Maybe by the time it grows back out the trend will have "rested" long enough to not feel "out"?

  2. Girl you ROCK neon, it fits your personal style. When I think Kasmira I think bright and bold and a bunch of fun. <3

  3. Oh, having lived through the 80's once, I'm not sad to see neon go (had enough fun with it the first time around!) Personally not ready to give up the chevrons - they've so much history in retro sewing patterns (and there's a lot of really fun things you can do with them when you sew!)

  4. Marble wash denim. I just don't like it. It looked crap in the 80s, and it looks crap now, in my view! :) I love your style, inspiring, feminine and sexy. Love it! Xxx

  5. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I glad to see the end of the peplum. It was too precious. I also can't wait for the "Sheer Everything" trend to die. Can I PLEASE get an opaque work blouse? Sigh. Someday, maybe?

  6. I will be so glad to see the heavily distressed (knees out) trend go by the wayside.

  7. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I think neon looks good on you, especially as those pops of color in your outfits.

    I don't really follow trends, so not too concerned about what disappears. Though I would like to see some sturdier (and not sheer) knit shirts on the market.


  8. Oh i read her post too.
    I am letting go sloooowwwly.
    For example my neon pumps fell apart and I chose not to replace them, but that's pretty much as far as I am going.
    I like the sock bun, the bubble necklace and chevron still too much to let go.
    Then again, I usually hold on to things A LOT longer than most.


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