
Tuesday, May 20, 2014


School will be out in three weeks, but, in the meantime, I can’t resist this elementary school for outfit shots. It has the best backgrounds and is right by my house. Dodging late-working teachers and the children who return to play, I feel like a total creeper. (But, obviously, that feeling doesn’t stop me from lurking in the corners and shadows with my camera, tripod, and remote.)

Shirt, Forever 21. Dress, Jovovich Hawk. Shoes, Sole Obsession. Sunglasses, Target. Earrings, Claire’s. Necklace, thrifted. Scarf, Frangi (consignment). Belt, Express. Bag, Canvas Boutique. Bracelets, thrifted and Garden of the Gods gift shop.


  1. How sweet you phootgraph outside a school! I can't get enough of what a wonderful color this shirt has. Powder blue is called? Goes greatly with orange.

  2. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Love, love, LOVE this look! As for the location: you're far braver than me.

  3. That has to be the most beautiful scarf ever!!! Oh and I just noticed what pretty long lashes you have!


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