
Monday, October 20, 2014

Shoes and Bag

I’ve noted it before, but I continue to be surprised by how much more my shoes and bags cost than my actual clothes. The vest, sweater, and skirt were thrifted for under $5 each. The necklaces were also inexpensive finds. The tights are Forever 21 cheapies that I’ve been wearing for over seven years. The shoes and bag are new this month and easily cost five times the rest of the outfit. But these accessories get the heaviest wear and the highest rotation, so I guess they’re worth it.

Vest, AC-3998 (cut from a thrifted jacket). Sweater, Joseph A (thrifted). Skirt, American Eagle (thrifted). Tights, Forever 21. Shoes, Joe’s. Necklaces, vintage and Kenneth Cole Reaction. Bag, Clark’s.

Puppy pic of the day (and you can see that my legwear is actually footless):


  1. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Agree that good shoes and bags are worth it. I need supportive shoes and bags that won't fall apart with semi-rough usage. That's part of why I thrift shop for clothes - more money for the shoes and bags I like but can't typically find at thrift stores.

    Jackson is absolutely adorable! Makes me miss puppyhood. Do you find he's training easier because of Jasper? Or is it too soon to tell yet?


  2. J - He's a very different dog! The potty training is easier, both because we know what to do and because he is very prompt when given the "go potty" cue. He's much better in the crate. But he is more of a chewer than Jasper was.

    He does take cues from Jasper, so it's nice that he's learned to sit and wait politely for a treat just from example!


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