
Saturday, December 06, 2014

Legging Life

I just about give up on real pants. Can I just wear leggings for the rest of my life? Even better if they are really running leggings because I can sleep in them and be ready to run the next morning. In the meantime, the sporty bottoms are perfect for river time with Big J.

Vest, AC-3998 (cut from a thrifted jacket). Tunic, Forever 21. Leggings, Reebok. Boots, Steve Madden. Sunglasses, Girlprops. Bag, thrifted.

Don’t worry, I didn’t totally ignore Jasper at the river.

But I did take him home and allow his baby brother to torture him.

It’s a hard knock (legging) life . . .

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I'm really liking leggings too. My only issue is finding tops long enough to cover my posterior, so I typically wear them with skirts. At least I'm getting more winter wear out of some of them that way.



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