
Saturday, February 14, 2015

I Heart Star Wars: Episodes VII, VIII, and IX

I’m beyond excited for the next three Star Wars movies to be released, but also hesitant. I was disappointed with episodes I, II, and III and, “once bitten, twice shy, baby.” I can’t decide whether bringing back Han, Luke, and Leia for the final installments will be awesome or awkward.

Shirt, Mossimo (thrifted). Tank, Merona. Shorts, Forever 21. Sneakers, Vans. Sunglasses, Target. Bag, Allstate Leather.

For Valentine’s Day, I wore my Star Wars Vans and we watched A New Hope. Because I’m still hoping the last three movies will be good!

Valentine’s wasn’t just about Star Wars; our new bed was delivered! It’s a king (upgrade from a queen) with an adjustable base. Very fancy. Jasper approves.


  1. ADORE JASPER & ur unique gorgeous style rocks!

  2. I've had similar thoughts about the Star Wars Movies. Can't wait to see them, hope they're not a big disappointment.
    Love your shoes!! And that Jasper! Looks like he'll have more space to spread out, if he's anything like my dog and kitty.


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