
Tuesday, May 05, 2015

South of the Border

For Cinco de Mayo, I headed to Cancun for a margarita lunch and then finished the day with an evening swim in the warm, blue ocean.

Scarf, consignment. Dress, Parker. Boots, Madden Girl. Sunglasses, Meow Meow. Belt and bag, thrifted.

. . . and back to real life. I had lunch at the Tower Cafe and then swim practice at the club. And NO tequila. Sad face Cinco de Mayo.


  1. It looks so lovely there, love from grey, cold Britain!xxx

  2. I was wearing a "Fiesta" skirt and black tee. We ate a burrito at a Freebirds and that was about it. No tequila for me either and I was the most festive person I saw all day. :o)
    As we were leaving town we passed a Mexican food resturant that was PACKED with a band outside...I bet they had plenty of tequila. :o)



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