
Thursday, June 04, 2015

All Day Rate

Parking structures are favorite self-portrait locations for me. There are a variety of lighting conditions, few people loitering about, and, often, nice views. Not that you get to enjoy the view in today’s backlit photos.

Vest, Forever 21 (cut from a consignment jacket). Dress, swap. Shoes, Seychelles. Sunglasses, Meow Meow. Earrings, vintage. Bag, Clark’s.

Today, I realized that I needn’t even park in the garage to use it for photos. No one will stop me from taking the elevator up to a top floor and setting up my tripod. Tresspassing, schmesspassing.

As a bonus, I can use the stairwells and landings as a toilet. Someone else has certainly done so.

The view:

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