
Monday, June 22, 2015

Pink Plaid, Blue Skies, Red Beets

I attempted to mix up this dress by layering a pink plaid shirt underneath. I’m not too pleased with the effect since the contrasting collar is barely visible and the rest of the shirt looks a little lumpy under the dress.

Dress, Peter Som for Kohl’s. Shirt, Christopher & Banks (thrifted). Shoes, Oh Deer! Earrings, self-made. Sunglasses, Big Lots. Bag, SheBoBo.

Beet juice stains would have made more of a statement, but I, wisely, changed my clothes before peeling and dicing roasted beets for a Beet “Tartare” recipe from Veggie Burgers Every Which Way.


  1. I absolutely adore this dress. Kind of a bummer that the pink shirt didn't work out since that is a great color combination.

    I love beets. I'm not brave enough to make them for myself. The jarred or canned variety will have to do. But they do look delicious in that bowl. : )

  2. I would love to have that dress!! Lovee mixing prints..:)

  3. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Too bad the pink shirt wasn't more visible! Nice combo, though.

    Love roasted beets sprinkled with a little sea salt! I don't think I would have the patience to make the burger - I want to slice and eat them as soon as they are done!



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