
Sunday, August 30, 2015

Bodega Bay

Outfit photos will be few and far between for the next week or so. My sister is in town to help me accomplish some of my 40 B4 40 items. We’ve already seen a local theater production and have horseback riding, whitewater rafting, and sailing planned. These pictures were taken in Bodega Bay, where we will be riding horses on the beach.

Jacket, REI. Sweater, thrifted. Skirt, Tilt (thrifted). Leggings, Mossimo. Galoshes, Kamik. Sunglasses, Target. Earrings, street fair.

I'm offline to get some adventuring done!


  1. You saw the Struwwelpeter adaptation! How did you find it?

    1. I didn't know anything about the play. I just chose it from the current area performances because it looked more interesting than West Side Story.

  2. That play looks seriously like my kind of thing...and I really need to get to Bodega soon.

    Also, I've been wanting to tell you, there is this lady on Instagram whose pattern mixing and style are PHENOMENAL. Link:

    She's also simply the most interesting personality, a 60 year old Brit/Aussie free spirit who's spent much of her life dealing internationally in antique jewelry and custom sterling jewelry, for which she travels to India. She has a lot of Indian traditional clothing and vintage, as well as a huge fondness for wild, patterned Adidas sportswear. I think you'd enjoy. :-)


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