
Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Experiment No. 604

I started the Red Hat Experiments (pairing red and purple in outfits) when I was 33. Now I have only ten years until I can actually be a Red Hatter. In the meantime, I continue to practice wearing red and purple.

Jacket, Bebe (consignment). Dress, Bebe. Long sleeve tee, American Apparel. Tights, We Love Colors. Boots, Joe’s. Sunglasses, Coco Sunglasses. Earrings, Super Silver. Bag, Target.

1 comment:

  1. My recent joyful discovery this summer is that I can wear pink which, at the fine old age of 58 is a bite tardy. However, I'm making up for lost time as you'll see on my blog today where I'm sporting orange and cerise together, oh, and some crazy pink tights too. Love your dress with these purple tights x
    Anna's Island Style


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