
Thursday, February 04, 2016

Down Time

As an introvert in an outside sales job, I use the time between customers to re-energize. As soon as I enter the car, I connect my personal phone to the audio system and restart the current podcast. As I drive, I do not text and I rarely take calls. I lose myself in the audio program until I arrive at the next salon and must engage again with the outside world.

Jacket, INC (consignment). Scarf, swap. Shirt, Forever 21. Skirt, Outlander (thrifted and gifted). Tights, We Love Colors. Boots, Lauren Ralph Lauren. Bag, Target.

I also find my photo sessions restorative. I enjoy being outside, engaged in a creative act.

When I have management riding along with me, I don’t get to recharge on my drives and end the day exhausted. I like my boss, but, after five hours of together time, I was ready for wine and a book.

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