
Wednesday, March 16, 2016


I’m not a terribly moody person, but, every once in awhile, I get in a funk. Sometimes it’s ennui, but most often it’s frustration. Today, after I spent 30 minutes trying to find parking for a lunchtime Toastmaster meeting (and eventually missed the meeting because of it), I was in a black mood. I didn’t want to eat my feelings and didn’t have time to walk it off, so I listened to a podcast. Listening to something educational or inspirational always puts my frustrations into perspective and resets my mood.

Later, two different photo locations didn’t work out (and I had to be home by five), so I resigned myself to photos in front of the boring, old blue wall in my backyard. I wasn’t looking forward to it, but a glass of wine and my always entertaining puppies cheered me up.

Jacket, J Crew (consignment). Dress, Lipstick. Shirt, Banana Republic (thrifted and altered). Boots, Nine West. Earrings, flea market. Rings, vintage, thrifted, and/or heirloom.

How do you turn that frown upside down?

Can you tell that my pups make me happy?

1 comment:

  1. There is something about pets that lift one's spirits. That love. Although he's a bit of a monster, Vizzini always makes me feel better. I do tend to eat my feelings - great way to put that. I am really liking your hair these days - it's a very nice cut and colour.


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