
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Live Scan

I had my fingerprints scanned for a certification, today. The scan reveals my (lack of) criminal record, but, honestly, says nothing about me as a person.

Sweater, thrifted. Skirt, thrifted, shortened, and embellished. Boots, Miz Mooz. Sunglasses, Marc by Marc Jacobs. Bag, El Paso Saddleblanket Co. Earrings, street vendor. Ring, vintage.

Just looking at my hands tells you so much more about me. I’m practical and lazy. I love to spend time outside, getting dirty. I cook. I’m in a committed relationship, but I’m not a traditionalist. I doubt the Live Scan will return those results.

What do your hands say about you?


  1. I love these colours together, and the insight into your hands. My hands say I'm ready to do some hard work (scars-o-rama), I'm lazy (no calluses!), and I'm no-nonsense (short nails, unvarnished) and I'm badass (rings!).

  2. Oh that skirt has been a fave of mine for years. Long before pom poms were "on trend".
    My hands are usually really dry, they say I don't drink enough water.


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