
Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Summer Mixers - Yellow and Mellow

Blazer, Forever 21 (via swap). Belt and necklace, Xhilaration. Tank, Merona. Skirt, Eddie Bauer. Pumps, Victoria Spenser. Oversized faux-python clutch, Express. Ring, Silpada.

In Style inspiration page

This is the picture that almost wasn’t. A thunderstorm was rolling in as I walked home from the bus stop. I went directly to the deck to snap my photos. Between the rain, darkness, and humidity (the camera lens fogged up!), I am amazed I managed to get any decent pictures. The storms (and tornado watches) continued all evening.

I ran at lunch today, in an earlier storm. By the time I got back to work, it looked as if I had already taken a shower (with my clothes on). All the product had washed out of my hair, but it dried okay in our air conditioned building. After a muggy trip home to my humid house and sticky backyard, my hair was no longer “okay.” It began to swell with moisture (and the electrical charge in the air didn’t help either). I took the first picture before it grew to Bozo proportions. The last picture is headless to save you the horror.


  1. Anonymous8:29 AM

    SUPER cute navy and yellow! As a fellow red-head I never know about yellow, but I'm going to try popping it in with accessories as you have done here. Very classy look.

  2. I have been reading your blog for a while now and just wanted to let you know how much I like your look and how much I enjoy reading!

  3. I love this outfit.. and I totally understand about the humidity hair. I have the same problem. But you look great in your picture!

  4. I think you look fabulous! I don't know if you've ever noticed this but I've noticed from comments on your blog from other people that you seem to have a big following of redheads. I think it's interesting. Do you think it is because people are turning to you for good color ideas as a fellow redhead? Or have you inspired anyone to become a redhead?

  5. As far as I know - I haven't inspired anyone to go red!

    It does seem that redheads have trouble with colors clashing with their hair (or at least that's what they've been told), so maybe the redheads tune in to see what colors I can get to work with mine.

  6. Anonymous3:08 PM

    i love all the yellow that's around this season, it looks great! i've been looking around and i found this adorable yellow dress for the summer on that is a must!

  7. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Cute combo!

  8. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Love this combination, the yellow really brightens the whole outfit.

  9. Love the yellow and navy! But I have to ask--how do you keep your pointy toe pumps in such great condition? Walking downtown, mine are all but ruined in no time!

    Love reading your blog-- in fact it inspired a group of friends to start one ourselves! We're at

  10. Anonymous7:30 PM

    nice! do u always look at magazines for ideas? i always buy the mags but never follow their tips. it's the glossy magazine paper and shampoo samples i love. i shd try dressing according to magazine styles sometime. also... how long IS your lunch brak. if u run during lunch, do u get changed back to ur office clothes again? i dont get it.. i prob sound dumb... but how do u still look fabulous after u ran during lunch? cuz lunch break's like what..1/2 an hour? so u change, run, shower, change back to office wear, do ur make up, have lunch and get back to work all during lunch? u are amazing.


  11. I wish it would storm here! I love your blog, you always look so cute! I always get great inspiration from you.

  12. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Kasmira, you are fabulous I tell you, fabulous! LOVE this outfit on you! L

  13. leslie - these pumps are actually looking pretty ratty in the heel area. :( The downtown sidewalks are MURDER on heels.

    angie*~ - I often look at magazines for ideas. It's sort of a game for me. I look at the spreads and try to figure out a way I can recreate a look using things I already own.

    I work extra long hours so that I can take a 1.5 hour lunch break. That gives me 15 min to change, 1 hour to work out, and 15 min to shower, change back, and grab something to eat at my desk! I do not wash my hair or face and my makeup stays mostly intact, despite the exercise. I keep powder and lipstick at my desk for touchups.

  14. So the pic with your hair included is after working out and being rained on?! I think it looks great! Sometimes my hair is a frizzy mess before i even walk out of the house. (I like in TN so we might have worse humidity) Do you use something for frizz control? If so fill me in please!
    Also LOVE the yellow shoes, I have no fashion sense but I'm going to have to get a pair!


  15. stacy - I mostly just live with the frizz. After I wash it, I apply a moisturizing cream/gloss and then a wave spray and let it air dry. It still can get frizzy, but, if I don't touch it, it isn't too bad.

  16. This ensemble put me in mind of something I took note of one evening last winter when I had nothing to do and thumbed through the entire Spring 2008 menswear collection at the surprising pairing of fog gray and pale yellow. (See Perry Ellis, as well as Ralph Lauren, Rag & Bone, Paul Smith, Hermés, Fendi, Alessandro Dell'Acqua, and Missoni) Since then, I've seen the combination only once on the department store racks.

  17. Anonymous3:01 AM

    ooooohhh... thanks =)


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