
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Can't Let Go

Dress, London Times. Vest, Charlotte Russe. Brooch, swap. Pumps, Victoria Spencer. Sunnies, Big Lots (I love these - can you tell?)

I just can’t let these shoes go! I pulled them out again because I thought the yellow was the perfect counterpoint to gray and black. Don’t judge me by my broken-down shoes.

This is a very bad picture of one of my latest swap receipts: a silver-toned bow brooch. I love it! I’m trying to swap away larger items (like a sweater) for smaller items (like a ring). I’m generally successful.

My forehead looks freaking humongous. I’m wearing my 40’s hair in anticipation of tonight’s dress rehearsal. I followed Casey’s tutorial, but I think I kind of look like the evil fairy in Disney’s Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent.

I’ll keep working on it. Reviewing the tutorial again, I see that Casey's rolls are much closer to the part than mine are. Maybe I can eliminate the "horned" look by moving the roll placement upward.

P.S. Come see my show, Noir Suspicions. We open on Sat.


  1. Your devious grin in the first picture reminds me more of a Joker-ish look than Maleficenta. Maybe I just have Batman on the brain.

  2. lovely. i like the idea of pairing a plain dress with vest. i wanna try that. tks!

  3. You look like a celebrity. Pairing the LBD with the vest is great. and Yay! I love the yellow shoes...the outfit would be so lonely without them.

  4. Your show sounds like fun! Too bad I don't live in Cincinnati.

  5. I used to do my hair like that, but my husband didn't like it. That was too bad because I LOVE 40's style. I wish that 40's looks were more accessible these days. If you are able to perfect the hairstyle, I'd love a tutorial. (Not to say that it isn't already very cute.)

    Also, I like the brooch with the vest.

  6. I was hoping the brooch was of Maleficent (my favourite Disney villain after Ursula the Sea Witch).

    Go buy some new yellow shoes!

  7. I love the purple. I just purchased a purple top because I LOVE the color, but the shirt alone is somewhat boring. I was going to take it back, but after this bit of inspiration, I may keep it.

    And girl, do not have a humungous forehead. If you want to see a humungous forehead, let me know. I have one. :)

  8. Ok it actually black and gray? Wow! I knew I had trouble telling the colors sometimes, but sheesh.

  9. Jessi - in your defense, it DOES look sort of purple here. I took the picture in the morning, with no flash, so I think the rising sun is distorting the colors.

  10. oh my gosh, you are too pretty! I just found your blog after seeing a comment from you on Cute on the Cheap. I love everything!

    And right after I saw the picture of your hair, I thought, "I should ask her to explain how to do it!" and two seconds later I saw that you gave a link. Wheee!


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