
Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Sweater, Wet Seal. Dress, vintage, thrifted, and shortened. Tights, Target. Boots, White Mountain. Belt, thrifted.

Evidently, the two metal belts I thrifted last weekend have given me delusions of grandeur. (This is especially dangerous when combined with my pre-existing egomania.) Earlier this week, I was human royalty. Today, I’m a Grecian goddess. Where will the madness end?

P.S. Stay away from the Jessica Simpson brand tights. When I bought a pair on Monday, I was attracted to the nice hand, dark gray color, and lace waistband. Unfortunately, that pretty lace waistband has not nearly enough give and I couldn’t get the tights on much past my knees.


  1. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Your recently thrifted belts are awesome! You deserve to fee like royalty and a goddess, so go for it!

  2. you look so modern and feminine today~~

  3. The dress was an amazing find! The belt is a perfect touch to this outfit! I have to bow before your superior thrifting skills.

  4. This outfit is awesome; I wish I looked so nice today.
    And that damn Jessica Simpson - always messing something up.

  5. This outfit is gorgeous! You look so cozy with the sweater, yet super feminine with the dress + belt combo. Love it!

  6. Lovin' this outfit - that belt is awesome!

  7. Thanks for the tip on the tights. Love the belt (it reminds me of one I had in the early 90s).

  8. This is one of my favorite outfits! Super duper cute.

  9. waouh i love your outfit !

  10. I love this outfit and am coveting that belt! Its amazing! I cannot wait to see what you do with it all spring/summer.

  11. Love this outfit. :)

  12. This outfit is crazy awesome!

  13. what an AWESOME outfit :) sorry i've been stalking your blog and finally got the courage to comment. i love how you put your outfits together.. they make so much sense! but i don't think i could apply the same common sense into MY wardrobe and pull out such spiffy outfits from what i have :( sadness.

    and why not think you're above human? those ARE awesome belts :)

  14. The "frustrated tights" photo is hilarious.

  15. Poor Jessica - compensating for all of the media calling her fat by making us all FEEL fat when we can't get her tights up!

  16. FYI - This outfit was featured on the ModCloth blog today (I think the blog is actually called 'ModLife' but anyways. Love your blog and love that site, so it's fun to see the two come together:)

  17. PS: Here's the link - you're in the 'Style Inspirations' category... naturally.

  18. I've noticed that the 'belt over cardi' look is hot in Europe - unexpected, and I like it!

  19. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Try cutting the waistband. What I mean is one snip, vertical, at the middle of the waist band so it sort of splits into a "V" if this makes sense? It may be enough give to get them up all the way but they will still stay on.

    Love your blog by the way, you are such a stylish lady!

  20. This is one of my most recent favorite outfits! Can it be modified to wear into spring without boots? Shoe choice eludes me..


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