
Friday, April 24, 2009

Feather in My Hair

Blazer, Charlotte Russe (overdyed by me). Tank, Apt 9. Skirt, Thailand. Sandals, Nine West. Metal cuff, Pangaea. Wooden bangle, swap. Feather pick, Home Emporium.

I’ve commented before on the fact that I work in a very tolerant office. I get away with some pretty crazy getups at work. But that doesn’t mean that people don’t stare. Silly me, I forget that I’m wearing something outrageous and wonder why people are watching me walk up the corridor. I wonder if perhaps I’ve tucked my skirt into my underwear or if a booger is hanging out of my nose. Then I say to myself, “Oh, yeah. I’ve got a big ol’ feather sticking out of my hair. No wonder they’re staring.”


  1. the skirt is gorgeous! and so is the feather :) I know what you mean about fashion-tolerant (not quite) co-workers.

  2. That skirt pattern is STUNNING!...Are you SURE it's the feather that got their attention? --- Love those COLOR-combos :)

  3. THAT SKIRT!!! Awesomeness!

  4. I don't think I've ever seen you in a long skirt before -- it looks fantastic! The feathers are just perfect with your hair color, too.

  5. But that feather is what ties the whole outfit together! halleluja for people like you who can make the office look more colourful.

  6. Anonymous1:58 AM

    I really, really like this outfit. Brava!

  7. wasn't that skirt on your going to get rid of? i really hope you don't, i adore skirts like these and wish i could wear one so gorgeously!!! love your style!

    Hannah Rose


  8. Hannah Rose - I did debate over this skirt and even asked reader opinions and, in the end, decided to keep it as is. I'm experimenting with different color combinations and methods of hiding its awkward waist.


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