
Sunday, April 26, 2009


Hat, Betmar. Tank, Merona. Skirt, Dex (swap). Fringed thongs, SM. Necklace, Anthropologie. Bag, MCI (thrifted). Watch, Mudd.

I sort of cut my feet off in the lead photo, so here’s a close-up of my fringed flip-flops (and other accessories):

And I did not cut my feet off here either:

Yeah, Smunch gets some camera time.

I attended the third session of my digital photography class on Thursday. I’m definitely in the slow learner group. We were all supposed to bring in a flash drive with 10, correctly exposed photos to share with the class. At the end of class, they were shown on the screen and critiqued. I was last to go and everyone before me had absolutely gorgeous photos that they had taken on the entirely manual setting. I had five crappy shots I took on either shutter or aperture priority mode. While everyone else got comments like “Wow” and “Perfect,” my pictures were greeted with silence. I’ve got to do better on my homework this week.

I don’t dare bring in my outfit photos for the group*, but it is a good time for me to practice. I took the above photos on the shutter priority mode and went all manual, baby, for my jump shots:

The pictures aren’t perfect, but I wouldn’t have been able to take them at all in manual mode just a few weeks ago. And concentrating on ISO, shutter, aperture, and white balance completely distracted me from the fact that I did about 40 jumps, after swimming 3650 yards. Who knew that photography could be such a great workout motivator!?

*I'm a big fan of that last photo and might dare to bring it in for class, even though I didn't shoot it in the prescribed RAW format.


  1. you look so beautiful and full of energy, just keep it up! :D

    invite you for:

  2. I love the hat! I am so envious of your outfit shots, they are always so amazing! Mine always have bits cropped out, or are fuzzy, or something like that.

  3. This is awesome - you look like you're going on safari, especially with the surrounding greenery. I hope you do decide to present one of these photos to your class. I think they're lovely.

  4. Love that hat!!

  5. What is the necklace pendant? Some sort of fruit? Looks really cute.

  6. Luv those shoes...just enough fringe :) ~Kendra~

  7. Gorgeous! i love everything, the skirt is mega cute!

  8. How pretty you look with the hat, should you wear more often !

  9. Jodi - it is a cluster of glass grapes. You can see it better here:

  10. HOLY CALVES in the last photo! I rather like your photography, but I'm excited to see it evolve as the class progresses. (Smunch is too cute, btw)

  11. GREAT outfit....the previous posters said it all. I think I'm going to look into taking a photography class (you make it sound so interesting). Thanks!

  12. I am jealous of your calves (see last photo). They look awesome!



  13. Hilarious ... I was thinking the same thing about your calves! You're obviously doing something right :)
    I'm really impressed with your photography skills lately BTW. Nice!

  14. How wonderful that you're learning more about photography! I would love to take a similar class, and your jumping shots at the end of the post are great!! Love them all! S.

  15. wear the hat more often. it adds a chic quality to your outfit. and those are great jump shots. i can never manage to capture myself in mid-air.

  16. wow, that is a fab swim work out. I love a good swim! i love your jumping photos! i like the 1st one expression :). The pose creates nice lines.


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