
Sunday, May 03, 2009

The Other Half

I won’t bore you with dull clothing label info.

Today, I ran the other half of The Pig* with my training buddy Erin. Then, I made her jump around while her husband took our pictures. My favorite picture, though, isn’t in mid-air:

Erin runs another half marathon in two weeks. Good luck!

See those medals? They gave us those because we are WINNERS!

*Actually, I ran the same half twice, but I like to think that the repetition makes a full marathon.


  1. Anonymous3:23 PM

    have you been a runner your whole life?
    i have never been able to run, even when i was in the best shape of my life, and growing up as a dancer. now, in my older age, i have been thinking of taking up jogging/running, but i get so tired and winded so quickly!
    any tips or advice?

  2. Oh, no. I hate running. But I had to do it for the Marines and have stuck with it just for the fitness aspect.

    One of my favorite ways to train is to start with running for 20 minutes, 3x/week, for two weeks. Then, increase your time by two minutes every two weeks. (So, you'd run 22 minutes for weeks 3 - 4, 24 minutes for weeks 4 - 5, etc.)

    There are also lots of great books and websites out there on getting into running shape. Some people swear by a run/walk combination.

  3. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Very cute! I love my running skirt, it makes me feel faster somehow as well as cute. I'm going to do my first half marathon next month, I've read about the flying pig one and it sounds like a fun time!

  4. Kudos to Erin for being such a good sport with the photos. Your goofball shots are even better when there are two people in them.

  5. Oh!~ I want a running skirt!~ Where do you get one? I would not run in it. But I would hoop in it!~ They are so cute. And short, and you know I love short!

  6. Running skirts are available all sorts of places - even Target!

  7. Anonymous10:05 AM

    running for 20 minutes would probably be my goal! lol. seriously, i probably couldnt even run for 5 minutes before keeling over...

  8. I am so getting one of those!~


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