
Monday, May 04, 2009


Jacket, Dex (swap). Tee, American Apparel. Mini, London Jean. Boots, Blowfish. Earrings, Target.

My vacuum is back! It was being repaired. I missed it.

What are you doing Happy? Riding a vacuum? You're acting like a damn fool!?



  1. Those boots are AHHmazing! :) ~Kendra~

  2. OMG, love the boots. They are CAR-AZY in the best way!

  3. Nifty boots. I think you should get a prize for best fashion vacuum pose.

  4. hee hee - I have the same vac. :)

  5. You have great legs (its all that running) I'm to scared to wear a skirt that short. I am doing my first 1/2 marathon in October, I was suppose to do it this past Sunday but I chickened out.

    I'm so proud of you for doing your marathons!

  6. Great fun look. Ditto pp's great boots!

  7. I love the casual look today.

    And my poor vaccuum is at the doctor too. I hope it comes back in one piece. And soon. Two long hair cats and no vaccuum is a BAD combo.

  8. Tina - I feel your pain! I was actually without a vac for about 6 weeks (because I had to take a bus to pick it up and I just didn't want to deal with that). I have 4 cats (3 long-haired). When I vac'd later on Sunday, I clogged up the hose with all the cat and Kasmira hair and had to operate with a screwdriver.

  9. I saw those boots at DSW last week and thought of you!!!


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