
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bad Ass

Blouse, Express. Skirt, Talbot’s. Belt, from a Jones New York dress. Pumps, Pulse. Studded cuff, Hot Topic. Owl necklace, thrifted. Bag (pictured below), thrifted and vintage.

I’ve been a studded kick lately. Somehow, I imagine that wearing studs makes me “bad ass.”

My owl pendant is not bad ass, but he is so freaking adorable that I could not resist wearing him.

And to completely spoil my tough image, I’m toting the most ladylike of purses.

Ah, who am I kidding? Even when I was a Marine, no one thought I was bad ass. I give up.


  1. The shiny green looks sassy with the new blond hair (love it, by the way). And maybe you're not necessarily badass, but you look like you mean business and shouldn't be messed with. :)

  2. I love the combination of black and white floral with deep pink and green! You ROCK!

  3. We all have our inner bad ass. You were a are entitled to a little more than the rest of us :)

  4. Looking bad ass and actually being bad ass are two different things. I think it is better to not look it, that way people are totally stunned when you...well do whatever badasses do.=) That green looks nice and bright with your hair.

  5. i stand corrected! i feel a fool to have left you that comment before. you look gorgeous with your new hairdo n' colour. trust you to make this look so good. i love this outfit...Bad Ass, Uber Cool, Yummilicious all of these words suits you to the T...

  6. were you really in the marines?

    i came to post this link for you

    to find new hair - well done it is really chic.

    sorry about husband. xxk

  7. I love the contrast of femininity with toughness!

  8. I agree with diana, a tough yet girlie look... very nice.

  9. while i concur that the stud bracelet is totes bad ass, i must also confess i find the owl necklace to be equally bad ass. i wish i had one just like it!!

  10. I LOVE this red and green together :)

  11. I need to get me one of those cuffs!~ And I adore that pendant.

  12. You are so badass! I love the dichotomy of the girly print with the studded cuff.

    Your hair looks awesome with that green!

  13. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Badass or no, this is a fabulous outfit. I love the skirt and how well it goes with the blouse. Go you.

  14. I'm with eednic. The owl pendant is very badass, in its own way.

  15. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I've been all about pyramid studs lately, too! That bracelet is fantastic.

  16. All your outfits are bad ass, just not in a I could kill you with my pinkie way.

  17. Gorgeous! Love the owl :)

  18. Hi,
    I always thought your blog is great. I would like to give you a "lovely blog" award. You can fetch the award in my blog if you're interested ^^


  19. Really liking the pops of color - green with pink (or red?). I'm trying to experiment with these things too and not worry so much about traditional color matching and traditional corporatewear, especially when it comes to dressing professionally (photos on my blog, if you wanna check it out). I LOVE bright colors and you do them so well!

  20. I've been on a stud kick too.

  21. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I can't stop loving studs either! I think they help me express the more agressive side of me!


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